Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ok, so I haven't updated this AGAIN for awhile. But, I did work on something kind of unique tonight. I'm trying to set up an automatic newsletter. Instead of putting an executable file in the CGI bin, I'm trying to use a FormMail script found at http://www.scriptarchive.com. When a student or alum fills out a subscribe type form, they are automatically sent a newsletter and then get on the newsletter mailing list. That way, when I get a newsletter out (like I have a ton of stuff on recent CPA exam, etc), it will go to email addresses of people that subscribed to this service. My biggest complaint is trying to keep up with email addresses. I start with an email address for my student and find that it changes 4 times in one year (for WED). Anyway, not quite working yet, BUT - the idea is sound. If the mailer doesn't work - I'll do the database thing and use the email address as the primary key to weed out duplicates. Since this is something kind of neat - it will make my book IF I get it working properly. Lots more to tell you Rambling readers, but just no more time to do it.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Wow - I can't believe I haven't published anything at this blog since July. I truly have been working. Presented a roundtable at the ICI Conference at Depauw in Greencastle on Learning Objects. Now, I've been invited to work on a state-wide committee on this very subject. Cool.... Just so you know I've been working on my book, I've included the table of contents for my book. Some stuff in red means that I need to revisit this area.

Encourage contact between students and faculty
1. Effectively Use E-mail Groups
a. How to set up address books and groups
i. Create an Address Book
ii. Add entries to address book
iii. Create a group
iv. Modify a group
2. Campus Discussion Software Options
a. Using discussion boards within WebCT
i. WebCT Discussion Example
ii. Use Wizard to Create a WebCT Discussion
iii. Modify WebCT Discussions
iv. Search WebCT Discussions
v. Discussion Compile Features
vi. Create an Archive
3. Other Discussion Opportunities
a. It starts with a question….
b. How to set up Discussion board in Yahoo
i. Start a new group
c. Working with Existing Listservs & Groups
d. Voice Boards
4. Blogging or Journaling
a. RSS Readers
b. How to set up Plunk – A Free RSS Reader
c. Why is XML so important?
d. Linking instead of RSS
e. Blog Examples
5. E-Moderating
a. Access and Motivation
b. Online Socialization
c. Information Exchange
d. Knowledge Construction
e. Development
6. Discussion Interaction Strategies
a. How do you “make” students use discussion boards on a regular basis?
b. How do you use groups?
7. Overwhelmed by E-mail
a. Establish good policies
b. Establish Rapport
c. First Contact Checklist
d. Signatures
e. Electronic Signatures
f. Voice email
g. Reinforcement
h. Weekly journals
i. Out of office notification
8. Virtual Office Hours
a. E-mail Response Office Hour
b. Open Site Chat Office Hour
c. Fill Out Form for Question
i. How to Create a Form & Database
d. Self-Help
e. WebCT & Flash Server
f. WebCT Chat Room
g. Trends in Virtual Office Hours
h. Chat logs & help sheets
i. Free chat software
j. WebEx and other related high-end meeting software
9. Connect students to conferences
a. Invite students to conferences that you might attend (unusually a student rate)
10. Lessons from a CyberClassroom (see folders and review for this chapter), The Virtual Student, Building Learning Communities http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/jaln/v7n3/pdf/v7n3_meyer.pdf

Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students
1. Encourage Teams
a. Key Points for Online Teams
b. Everyone Accountable
c. Cross-Mix Team Members
d. Learning to be a Team Player
2. Criterion by Design Encourages Leadership
a. Leadership Behaviors
b. Encourage Process
c. Types of Discussions
d. Trigger Stimuli
i. How to Send a URL
ii. Send a URL in Chat Mode in WebCT
iii. Critical Thinking Skills with Triggers
iv. A Critical Thinking Skills Checklist for Online Discussion
e. Team Design Process
f. Rubric Generator
g. Monitoring Progress – CATs & Others
i. Online Muddiest Point
ii. The Online Minute Paper
iii. Online Roundtable Scenario
1. The Example Scenario
iv. Online Student-generated Test Questions
3. Build a Team Space
a. How to build a team space in WebCT
i. Create a Team Workspace in WebCT
ii. WebCT has a way to share files, develop a PowerPoint together or a webpage and break out discussion groups using threaded discussions
b. Other team-building software
4. Building the Hook
a. Dynamic Readings
b. Using JavaScipt
i. How to Set Up Random Link + Text Description
ii. How to Set Up Free Online Quizzing
c. Online Icebreakers
i. Give and Take
ii. Introduction Bingo
iii. Group Resume
iv. Six Degrees of Separation
d. Assessing Group Effectiveness at the Beginning
e. Group Activities That Motivate
f. Self-Reflection
g. Peer-editing – samples of prior student work
h. Random homework problems
5. Creating Content for Discussion
a. Cooking Up Cases that Motivate Groups
b. Group Content that is Accessible
i. Easy to Over the Obvious
ii. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Model
iii. Are You Bobby Approved?
6. Student Virtual Café & Lounge
7. Be careful with synchronous requirements
8. Share resources (like types of software used at work), libraries that offer great information
9. Connect with alums
a. mentoring
10. Software for students (academic and student pricing)
11. Use of open questions for discussion
12. Puzzles (one piece to each student) to solve a puzzle

Encourage active learning (quote from Interactive Learning)
1. The Eye of the Hurricane
a. The Outcome-Based Model & Active Learning
2. Interact- The Key to Active Learning
a. Making comparisons through research
b. Critique research designs related to their discipline
c. Explore ethics through current events related to their discipline -datasets
3. Use labs and available resources
a. Design lab experiences that bring a practical aspect to the discipline
b. Use existing resources of the College
c. Computer labs available on campus – use them – bring in discipline-based software
4. Resources that promote active learning
a. Self-test
i. Simple Hyperlinks
ii. PowerPoint Template – Multiple Choice
iii. WebCT/Blackboard have self-testing features
iv. Publishers offer self-test features
b. E-Learning environments
i. Don’ts for Interactive Media
ii. FrontPage Templates for Teachers
iii. Smart Boards in the Classroom (whiteboards in WebCT)
c. Additional resources for pennies
i. Templates for Teachers
1. Lesson Materials
2. Class Management
3. Awards
4. Tests and Grades
ii. Add-ins that come bundled with textbook
iii. Primus (write-your own sections)
iv. Added CD ROM to textbook as study guide
v. Create Quick Source Guides
5. Project-oriented
a. Case studies available through disciplines
b. Free databases and raw data available for student research
i. Getting data from the web in Excel
6. Experiential learning
a. Service learning
b. Externships/Internships
c. Tours (include web based plant tours)
d. Conferences
e. Links with professionals
7. Interacting with assessment techniques
a. E-Instruction
b. Create your own database webpage and check results
c. Personal Response Systems
i. McGraw-Hill’s Homework Manager www.mhhe.com/business/homework/
d. JavaScript Popup Windows
8. Encourage active learning by self-learning (faculty learning)
a. Wiley Faculty Resource Network (WebEx)
b. WebCases
c. HorizonLive
9. Creating Learning Objects
a. Simulations, Games
i. StudyMate 1.0 (beta) from Respondus.com
ii. Puzzle Creater, Word search, Word mania
b. PowerPoint – Multimedia
i. Producer 2002
c. Role-playing in chat
d. Create your own E-books
i. eBook Creation and Use in Asynchronous Courses
ii. Downloading Your eBook & eBook Reading Tips
iii. The Handheld Librarian
1. Online book discussion groups
2. PDA Blogs
3. Guest speakers at E-Bookworm Show
e. Animation for Learning Objects
i. Various articles on how Learning Objects enhanced learning
ii. Flash Vs Swish & Flash-lite
iii. Learning Object Conference Presentation
f. Adding fireworks
g. Using Lectora
h. CamStudio Vs Camtasia (see avi on Straight Line Formula)
i. Visual Communicator
j. Producer (a PowerPoint multimedia product)
10. Learning Objects Resources
a. Merlot – peer reviewed
b. Etc.
11. Collaborative Learning Ideas
a. Online exchange programs examples
i. Students as Designers and Content Creaters” An Online Multimedia Exchange between the U.S. and Spain
ii. MIT and Spain

Give prompt feedback
1. Redesigned for Assessment
a. How to Set Up WebCT for FeedFORWARD (instead of Feedback)
i. WebCT Multiple Choice Questions
ii. WebCT Matching Questions
iii. WebCT Calculated Questions
iv. WebCT Short Answer Questions
v. WebCT Assign Points to Questions
vi. WebCT Quiz Settings
vii. How FeedFORWARD works in WebCT
2. Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
a. Self-Testing & Publisher Test Banks
i. WebCT – Self-Testing
ii. Just a note about SCORM-Compliant questions
iii. Put javascript self testing here?
3. The Impact of Difficulties
a. Good Practice of Communicating Help Desk Support
b. Good Practice of Communicating Other Support
i. Continuous Support
ii. Online Tutorials
iii. Online Plug-ins
iv. Online Library Resources
v. Other Resource Connections
1. State Supported Virtual Libraries
2. Public Brick an Mortar Libraries
3. Publishers
4. Primis Content Center
4. Assessment Strategies of WebCT Exemplary Course
a. Need to add stuff from the Online book – see index
5. Collect Assignments Electronically
a. Why Insert Comments
i. How to Insert Comments
1. Insert Comments in Word
2. Insert Comments in Excel
3. Insert Some Creativity Into Excel Comments
ii. How to Insert Hyperlink Comments
1. Insert a Hyperlink in Excel
2. Insert a Hyperlink in Word
3. Insert a Hyperlink in PowerPoint & Package for CD
6. Thoughtful Feedback
a. Assessment Theories – Authentic Tasks
b. Assessment Theories – Five Step Maturity Model
c. Assessment Theories – Retention Impact
d. Assessment Strategies – for Online Courses
e. A Toolbox of Virtual Tools Needed for Feedback
i. WebAssign
ii. Wiki
iii. Annotating Text
iv. An Example
v. Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes & Adobe
1. Add Research Services to Word
vi. Prompt Feedback - Out of Office
7. Shared Workspace
a. More than Sharing a Document
b. Browser Discussion Tools
8. Learning Centered Theory
a. How do they learn what?
b. Pedagogy First, Technology Second
9. Building Feedback That Enhances Learning
a. Critical Engagement Rubric
b. Critical Thinking Project
10. Assessing Your Course
a. Assessment Tools
i. Free
ii. Design Your Own
iii. Purchase Assessment System
11. Your Course – It’s In The Details

Emphasizes time on task
1. Use standardized syllabus template (see hyperlink)
a. Syllabus Heading Components
b. Required Optional Resources
c. Course Resources
d. Student Learning Outcomes
i. Scenario 1 – Goal Alignment
ii. Scenario 2 – Ability-Based Learning Outcomes
iii. Guidelines Should Address Learning Outcomes
e. Assignments
i. Assignment Schema – How to articulate the connection
ii. Using WebCT to connect assignments & outcomes
iii. Policies for Late Homework
f. Timeline
i. Assignment Calendar & Lessons – How to set up a calendar
ii. Using the Calendar in WebCT
iii. Using the calendar with Lessons in Vista
g. Evaluation
i. Using a Calculated Column in WebCT
h. Policies & Additional Elements
2. Online Journey Learning
a. Creating Links As Content Pages
3. Time Saving Techniques
a. Indexing
b. Respondes
c. ExamView Test Generator
d. HTML Editor built within WebCT
4. Content Help Tools
a. Learning Resource iNterchange
b. Web-based Distributed Authoring & Versioning (WebDav)
i. How to set up a Network place
c. E-Packs
d. Connect WebCT to your Palm
5. Bookmark Online
a. Powermarks
b. Spurl.net
c. Other Bookmark Managers
i. Backflip.com
ii. Bookmark Commando
iii. Bookmark Tracker
iv. BlinkPro
v. BookMarx
6. Course Templates
a. Local templates
b. Microsoft & Dreamweaver Course Templates
i. Drag & Drop
ii. WebDAV
c. Creating Your Own Templates
i. Creating a Template in Word
ii. Other Template Ideas
iii. Assignment Templates
1. Scenario 1 – Business Law
2. Scenario 2 - Marketing
iv. Downloadable assignment sheets or CD
d. Class notes, PowerPoint available for download
e. Make it easier to submit assignments – design cover
7. Publish Course Materials to CD or DVD
a. How to publish a web site using FrontPage 2003
i. Format a rewritable Disc
ii. Publish FrontPage 2003 Web Directly (Backup Only)
iii. Publish FrontPage 2003 Web to Hard Drive and Then use Record Feature
8. Deadlines and Time Spent in the Course
a. Download/Upload Survey or Quiz
9. Solutions and Instructional Resources
a. Go Electronic
b. Give Examples without the Answers
i. Scenario 1- Well-written introduction
10. Treasures
a. Distance Learning Calculator
b. Landmarks Citation Machine
c. Library Resources
d. Trends for the Future
e. Tutorials available to all majors through a major link

Communicates high expectations
1. Syllabus should outline
a. Online etiquette
b. Assignment etiquette (cover sheet format)
c. Expectations of level of work
d. Connect to rubrics
2. If research papers, always provide tutorial on credibility of resources
a. Inspire – an Indiana network
b. Online Journals – submit
c. Track tips
d. But others are available
e. Librarians will conduct seminars for you
f. Tracerlock again
g. Learning Resource Centers
3. Samples of work available from previous “outstanding” students
4. E-Pak
5. Sloan article in folder for disc grading
6. see similar questions – pdf
7. test forming questions – Hyperlink to essay test and M/C tests
8. Teaching outside the box (textbook)
a. Multimedia expectation – projects
9. Rubrics that are public (posted on door, website)
a. Slide Show Criteria
10. Accountability
a. Materials readily available and online
11. Indicate assignments that would fit portfolio requirements
12. Encourage certification, submission to journals, poster shows
a. List of online journals
13. Advising (I can’t find a place to stick this)
14. Invite students to attend conferences with you
a. Online conferences
i. Webcast: Example: What you need to know about the revised CPA exam – presented by AICPA
ii. Webcast: Arresting Financial Fraud: The Inside Story From the FBI

Respects diverse talents and ways of learning
1. Assignments that give students a choice
2. Learning styles Vs Teaching Styles
a. Use of WebCT Exemplary Course Projects
b. World Lecture Hall
3. Provide non-linear learning
a. Pop-ups
b. Help buttons
c. FAQ
i. Publish a study guide to the ExamView Website (see folder)
d. Tutorials
4. Learning Disabilities
a. Read Out Loud exams (create them using Microsoft Text-to-Speech Package an add-in to Word 2002)
b. Bobby
5. Flexible assessment
a. Timed, but allowance for technology problems
b. Selection of questions changes
i. Export a question bank for use in WebCT
ii. Export a question bank for use in Lan testing
iii. Internet test-hosting service
iv. Exam-view
1. Publishers
2. Local
c. More than one chance
d. Pre-tests
e. Final project instead of final exam
6. Diagnostic testing

Chapter 8 – where other things don’t necessarily fit.
Resources that Save Time

1.Google DeskBar
2. Export/Import Bookmark file
3. Links in I.E. for most frequently used
4. Tip from Sarah about Copy & Paste. Clipomatic – doesn’t do the format, but works well – used it with the syllabus.

Chapter 9 – Learning Styles (only do if I have time)

In preface, show cases as team assignments, talk about discussion questions and exercises can be done individually.